The film Sebemilenec (Self-lover), winner of the 2014 Golden Reel Award for Best Actress at the Tiburon International Film Festival, is based on a story by writer Simona Monyová. The music for this film underscores the atmosphere of this intense psychodrama about emotional manipulation and the dangerous, even pathological, development of the relationship between a man and a woman. The film stars Simona Stašová and Jaromír Dulava, delivering compelling performances that bring this intense narrative to life. (read more…)

Film music excerpt -> HERE

  • Screenplay: Eva Papoušková, Filip Renč
  • Director: Filip Renč
  • Music: Daniel Barták
  • Cinematography: Petr Hojda
  • Editing: Jan Matlach
  • © 2024 Daniel Barták | Contact me

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