The audience-acclaimed musical CASANOVA, which premiered in the summer of 2012 in Hluboká nad Vltavou under the auspices of "Divadlo Hluboká," is celebrating success with a new production for the Broadway Theatre in Prague. Perhaps the biggest change from the summer stage version is that Filip Renč has taken over the direction, and the main role of Casanova will be played by Josef Vojtek. However, the new version features many well-known and talented artists – see the CASANOVA musical cast.

You can purchase the CD of this musical (not only) on iTunes -> HERE

  • Music: Zdeněk Barták
  • Script: Petr Markov
  • Director: Filip Renč
  • Musical arrangement and recording: Daniel Barták
  • Choreography: Petra Parvoničová
  • Premiere on May 23, 2013, at the Broadway Theatre

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